How Can I Help You? My Plans for 2010

Big changes in this blog for 2010! First, since slightly more people search for “Excel charts” than for “Jorge Camoes” I decided to accept reality and move the blog to a new domain name, from to Also, the blog will be hosted on a more reliable host, and will get a serious face-lift. … Read more

One Year

And so the first year went by. I’d like to thank everyone that reads and contributes to the blog. I learned a lot with you last year (and I hopefully I gave something back). Now, let’s see what the future brings.

Meet me Here

I’ll be here for the next 15 days. Great beach, air temperature and water temperature around 25ºC (77ºF), perfect for everyone that hates hot weather and cold water (that would be me). Best of all, I’ll be able to use my mobile internet connection…

Charts: The first three months

I am writing Charts for three months now, and I’d like to share with you some stats, some thoughts, some expectations and plans for 2008. First things first: thank you. Thanks for reading and commenting, thanks for linking, thanks for buying the dashboard. Thanks for sharing your time. So, basic stats: 30 posts, 150 daily … Read more